
Chudleigh Twinning Association is self funding. Membership subscriptions help towards covering the 'fixed' running costs of the Association including liability insurance and website fees. The Association also holds fundraising and social events throughout the year. Any surplus after event expenses have been taken into account contribute towards the costs of exchange visits. When we visit Troarn the Association has in recent years been able to subsidise the cost of the exchange trip to France for children to reduce the cost to families. When the reciprocal visit from Troarn to Chudleigh takes place in the following year the Association contributes towards the cost of events that take place during the weekend.


Everyone is welcome! By becoming a member of Chudleigh Twinning Association you will be supporting the ongoing relationship between our two towns. We would encourage anyone living in Chudleigh and surroundings communities to get involved. Over the years babies, children, young couples, single people and older members of the community are amongst those who have enjoyed taking part. 

Members are entitled to vote at the Annual General Meeting and 'have a say' in how the Association operates. This includes elections for the Association Committee.

There is no obligation for members to participate in exchange visits either as a host in the U.K. or as a visitor to France. We would, however, prefer that anyone wishing to participate in the exchange programme registers as a member of the Association.

Our current membership subscription for 2024 is £10 for individual membership or £15 for family membership. Subscriptions help to cover the cost of running the Association.

If you would like to become a member then please contact us and we will advise you further on how you may register for membership and make payment of the subscription.

Devon Twinning Circle

The Association has recently joined the Devon Twinning Circle. The Twinning Circle meets regularly to compare ideas on the development of twinning activities across Devon and parts of Somerset. It’s good to be part of a wider network of approximately 80 associations spanning villages, towns and Exeter city.